Congratulations to the IB team in Cooperative Education Competition

Congratulations to the IB student team, they received the display competition award in Cooperative Education (co-op) Competition held on 6 March 2561. There were 11 IB students enter the co-op program in 2/2560.

Ms.Sasisunant Thamtong, Ms.Cheki Wangmo and, Mr.Sonam Tobgay, IB students, also joined the presentation competition. They worked for their Cooperative Education at Trade Preference Division, Department of Foreign Trade: Ministry Of Commerce for semester 2/2017. They presented “How to export from THAILAND while enjoying FTAS benefits“. The purpose of their presentation aims to help an understanding of GSP and all information that affecting to the developing country that has affected the economy in establishing GSP and determined what kind of economic growth in the developing world, that lead to the forming of GSP (Generalized system of preferences). The coincidences of the developing countries and the condition of economic growth to know the effect of import and export in the GSP countries that do trading under the GSP rule including (e-Form d).

How other co-op IB students benefit from co-op…

Ms.Sasisunant: “I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my international business education, and I knew co-op could give me some hands-on experience in this field. So far, co-op has helped me to pinpoint the type of job I want after graduation by helping me discover what my working style is and what I enjoy doing the most.

Ms.Karn: “Co-op has allowed me to explore a variety of career interests and has helped me to choose the path and future most suited to my ambitions.